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How to Use References for Transform Maps in ServiceNow
Transform maps in ServiceNow provide a robust mechanism for importing, transforming, and mapping data between source and target tables....
Lubos Strejcek
Nov 25, 2024

Power Up and Unlock Your Potential: An In-Depth Look at STREYDA's ServiceNow Education Program
The future of the Power Up Program is marked by evolution and personalization.
Michal Sedlak
Jan 23, 2024

Getting to know Streyda and ServiceNow
This is the final part about my way to the Streyda company and ServiceNow fundamentals every developer needs to know!
Alisa Mazepina
Oct 10, 2022

Do you also want to make it into the IT industry?
Want to be a part of the IT world? This is part 2 where you can find useful resources and tips!
Alisa Mazepina
Oct 3, 2022

From coworking front-desk to ServiceNow back-end
Hi, I'm Alisa, the newest addition to our Streyda team! This is part 1 about my way from the services industry to the IT world!
Alisa Mazepina
Sep 26, 2022

STREYDA Joins ServiceNow Technology Partner Program
STREYDA today announced the company's acceptance into the ServiceNow Technology Partner Program. STREYDA will integrate its digital...
Feb 11, 2021

ServiceNow Automated Test Framework (ATF)
I finished the Automated Test Framework(ATF) Fundamentals course provided by ServiceNow and would like to share a basic overview of ATF...
Ulyana Hashchuk
Jan 27, 2021

Create HR Case in ServiceNow Add-in for Outlook
The ServiceNow Add-in for Microsoft Outlook feature lets you engage with IT directly from an email or, for IT users, quickly create an...
Lubos Strejcek
Jan 14, 2021

Azure and ServiceNow: Integrate your IT Operations to the Microsoft Azure
The Challenge Across industries, enterprises have turned to the cloud to enhance agility and drive competitiveness. This is because cloud...
Lubos Strejcek
Dec 27, 2020

Tips to Improve Performance of ServiceNow
Though ServiceNow Platform is considered efficient and robust by its design, there are instances where high transaction volume leads to...
Lubos Strejcek
Sep 28, 2020

Vendor Risk Management in ServiceNow
VRM is the process of ensuring that the use of service providers and suppliers does not create an unacceptable potential for business...
Lubos Strejcek
Jul 14, 2020

Mastering Business Rules in ServiceNow
A business rule presents a server-side script that runs when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, or deleted, or when a table is...
Lubos Strejcek
May 11, 2020

My most used function in ServiceNow? Text comparison!
In the world of data transformation/migration is the most common thing (in my case) is data verification and text comparison. Usually,...
Lubos Strejcek
Mar 21, 2019

Transform Maps in ServiceNow
Since there are so many different options for when to run a transform script, it can be difficult to determine what will work best for...
Lubos Strejcek
Feb 13, 2019
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